
The CSC儿童发展中心实验室 has been in existence since 1972 on the 查德隆州立大学 campus. 该实验室是一个以“教育教育工作者”为目的的教育项目,他们关心和关心年幼的孩子.

所有儿童不论其收入状况,均有资格参加本实验室, race, religion, origin, 文化背景, gender, residence, 能力或家庭状况.


该实验室由内布拉斯加州卫生和人类服务部颁发执照, 并获得了国家早期儿童计划学院的国家认证.




I. Vision:

CSC 儿童发展中心 aspires to be a premiere Laboratory that serves the educational needs of academic programs and service needs of students and staff at 查德隆州立大学.

II. Mission:

实验室满足学生对体验式教育学习的学术需求. Students pursuing baccalaureate degrees from three separate and unique programs (Family and Consumer Sciences,教育和特殊教育)利用实验室完成课程要求.

III. Description:

The primary function of the Laboratory is to serve as a support to the academic preparation of students at 查德隆州立大学. The Laboratory also serves as an outreach to the community and area by providing high quality child care to families with young children, field placement for middle and high school students in addition to Job Corp and the Alliance Practical Nursing program, 还有一个为老年人和校友提供志愿服务的网站.

IV. Purpose:


  1. To provide undergraduate and graduate students educational opportunities that support practical reasoning, 批判性思维和知识基础信息在现实环境中的应用,
  2. 为有2至9岁幼儿的家庭提供高质量的服务, 与发展相适应的, 主动学习 and naturally inclusive early childhood experiences that support individualized learning and development.
  3. To provide an environment for students to conduct applied research under the supervision of qualified faculty.

V. Objectives:

  • 机构社区:
    • 不断努力营造教师之间相互支持和尊重的氛围, staff, 家庭和儿童
    • 承认并赞美每个人的独特性
  • 公共关系:
    • 在实验室之间建立积极的关系, FCS program, College, 以及当地和地区社区
    • 为实验室的使命树立一个强有力的形象和积极的意识
  • 区域服务:
    • 认识、评估和提供学生、家庭和儿童的不同需求
    • 在促进高质量的早期学习方面发挥领导作用
  • 资源及设施:
    • 将资源集中在确定的优先事项和生产性活动上
    • 保持现代, safe, accessible, 以及满足项目需求和未来教育工作者期望的功能设施
    • 创造新的公共、私人和内部资金来源
  • 教与学:
    • Provide students with a broad range of flexible and creative alternative learning opportunities through 主动学习, 自然包容的环境
    • 检讨和修改课程,以反映学生期望的学习成果
    • 介绍和促进全球意识、多元文化视角和区域相关性
    • 让学生接触和发展对多样性和多元文化观点的理解
    • 为不同能力水平的学生提供创新和支持性的学习机会
    • 培养获取信息和评估个人发展的技能, 包容的设置
    • 整合收购, discovery, and application of knowledge and experimental learning to develop students' higher-level learning and applied skills
    • Merge creative teaching and learning principles with authentic application and assessment experiences

Note: Objectives are in alignment with the 2003-2011 Institutional Vision for 查德隆州立大学.


A group of children work on an art project with a student volunteer at the 儿童发展中心

The CSC儿童发展中心实验室 supports the philosophy of “constructivism” allowing children to actively construct their own learning supported through a natural, 包容的环境.

The Laboratory staff believe that “all children can learn” if given the opportunity to become actively involved in their world supported by loving, 了解儿童成长和发展的有爱心的成年人.

The Laboratory staff believe in ‘PLAY-based’ learning where children's work is their play and their play is their work.

The Laboratory staff believe learning should be fun and enjoyable throughout life but especially in the early years.

The Laboratory staff believe in providing 与发展相适应的 learning opportunities for children that support individual learning.


  • 建立积极、健康的自我观念
  • 在社交、情感、身体和智力上成长和发展
  • 在温暖、安全、可靠、友好和充满爱的环境中发展
  • 发展一个整体, well-rounded personality by providing opportunities to actively engage in learning experiences both inside and outside
  • 培养自律和独立
  • 感受尊严和尊重
  • 口头表达他们的感受和情绪
  • 培养性格和对周围世界的理解
  • 吃有营养的零食和午餐
  • 接受高质量的计划节目,创造兴趣, 火花的创造力, 并且有一个例程支持
  • 准备好从一种教育经历过渡到另一种教育经历

“From the very beginning of his or her education, the child should experience the joy of discovery.——阿尔弗雷德·诺斯·怀特黑德

“孩子们只有对他们自己创造的东西才有真正的理解, 每次我们教得太快的时候, 我们要阻止他们自己重新发明.——皮亚杰

“...孩子至少有机会获得的兴趣就越多, 他就越有可能找到一些适合他特殊天赋的兴趣爱好.” -- Alfred T. Jersild



查德龙州立大学儿童发展中心实验室是一个有执照的, 全国认可的, 自然和包容的早期儿童计划.

实验室为学生提供了一个受教育的机会, and a child care and education facility for families with young children between the ages of 2 and 9.

The Laboratory serves as a model for quality early learning experiences that support 主动学习 and 与发展相适应的 practices as the natural process of growth occurs socially, emotionally, 身体和智力.

The High Scope curriculum is used to promote the connection between the child's natural instinct to learn and the environment.

高范围课程是基于一个计划, 做和回顾让孩子发展生活技能的过程.


  • provide students the opportunity for practical application of knowledge base information and skill development
  • 为所有儿童提供优质的照顾和教育, 无论收入如何, race, religion, residence, gender, 能力或出身
  • 为家庭提供教育支持机会



Annually the CSC儿童发展中心实验室 Advisory Board reviews and updates policy governing the structure and operation of the Laboratory. Policies are established to support quality initiatives required by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services licensing agency, 国家早期儿童计划学院认证标准, 以及联邦政府制定的学前教育指导方针.



Daily Routine


7:00 - 8:00欢迎、登记、下车、自我探索
- Self-discovery time- children choose an activity of their interest to engage in and explore (Dramatic Play, 写作和画画, manipulatives, loft, blocks, 本书/读写区域)
上午8:00 - 8:30大型团体
-可能包括歌曲,舞蹈,日历,天气,故事时间,字母,数字 & 识字探索,手语练习
8:30 - 9:00早餐
9:00 - 9:15早会 & Daily Lesson
9:15 - 10:00小组时间/站位→自我发现
- Children are divided into groups based on their developmental levels/needs for a teacher guided themed activity/stations. 当车站完成后,孩子们会进行自我发现(戏剧游戏), 写作和画画, manipulatives, loft, blocks, 书/读写区域, mathematics, sensory, etc.)
10:00 - 11:00户外时间
- Children and teachers engage in gross motor/physical activities in our 自然探索 Certified parks, 天气允许(也可提供室内粗马达)
11:00 - 12:00午餐
- Teachers bring children inside one group at a time to sit together and eat our sack lunches while engaging in conversation and encouraging independence and clean-up skills
11:45 - 12:00自我发现
- Children choose an activity of their interest while they wait for all their friends to finish lunch (Manipulatives or 本书/识字探索)
12:00 - 12:15浴室 & 刷牙
-孩子们一次一组地进入浴室, wash hands, potty, 给他们刷牙
12:15 - 2:00午睡时间
12:15 - 1:00户外时间
-不午睡的孩子, 到我们的自然探索认证公园从事大运动/体育活动, 天气允许(也可提供室内粗马达)
中午1:00 - 2:00
-不午睡的孩子参加学前活动,以帮助培养识字能力, language, cognitive, physical, 社会情感, mathematics, science, technology, 艺术技巧
2:00 - 2:30自我发现
-孩子们选择他们感兴趣的活动(操纵), 写作和画画, dramatic play, science, sensory, 本书/识字探索)
2:30 - 3:00吃点心
-孩子和老师坐在一起吃零食(吃的方式不同:户外野餐, 家庭内部风格, etc.)
3:00 - 3:30户外活动时间
- Children and teachers engage in gross motor/physical activities in our 自然探索 Certified parks, 如果天气允许的话
3:30 - 4:30下午站
-将不同年龄的儿童分成小组,进行各种数学练习, science, art, 勘探站
4:30 - 5:30自我发现/户外活动
- Children and teachers choose an activity of their interest to engage in and explore inside or outside
5:30 Goodbye & Closing


7:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m.






It is our pleasure to meet your families child care and education needs in our 与发展相适应的, 主动学习, 自然和包容的幼儿实验室.我们的员工将尽最大努力满足您孩子的个性化需求, 与家人建立良好的关系, 并促进安全, positive, 养育和爱的环境.

The CSC 儿童发展中心 laboratory offers a play-based emergent curriculum that focuses on a project approach using a plan-do-review process through the daily routine. 每个孩子的需要和兴趣都是通过积极的、有目的的游戏来满足的, 精心设计的早期学习环境,整合物理, social, emotional, cognitive, 全天都有学习语言的机会,无论是在室内还是室外.


CSC儿童发展中心实验室位于Chadron州立大学校园内, 在上层, Room 212, Burkhiser科技中心. 室外的学习环境横跨中心的东入口.


Chadron, NE 69337

全国幼儿教育协会的标志 自然探索户外学习环境标志